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The Story behind eBook Week

A time-space of one week each year, Rita Toews, 61, a humble mother with two children and a grandchild, resides at the core of the eBook world. Working from an empty room in her house found in Canada with her kitten Lola sitting by her (“Every writer should get a cat,” she says). She is the starter and head ringmaster of Read an eBook Week. This is an enterprise that constitutes of writers, devices producers, publishers, eBook retailers and readers ranging from hundreds to several thousand that join in this international adventure of eBook unfolding.

For a week, writers and publishers give out hundreds to thousands of the master eBooks to readers for free so as to boost the reading of eBooks around the world. Ms. Toews is also the owner of ebook week, which serves as a platform for readers to find participating retailers and writers. Due to a large number of enthusiastic readers and writers that browse this website, active authors, retailers, and publishers realize a significant spike in downloads of their content during this one week of free distribution.

EBook week:

As earlier said eBook week is the center ground for adventurous readers to meet active authors. It comprises a wide variety of eBooks including self-help, home and gardening, financial, and so much more. It provides readers with an opportunity to get an inside look of a book or an article so as to get an idea of what the book is all about and what they should be expecting if they decide to get the book in question.

They are well equipped with a team made up of hundreds of professional and adventurous readers skilled at making reviews. These individuals select the trending books and also the recently published books, read them and provide you with exclusive reviews about the books. This helps you in making a decision on whether or not to buy the book and also prevents you from regrets that come from being deceived by the cover or the title of the book.

Categorizing Books on eBook week:

As we now know they sort out books and this is done in many ways. Below is an example of how this is done.


This gives you the ability to access books base on their genre. The genres covered on this website include health, finance, self-help, and technology.

Release date:

Sorting books based on release date is a very cool feature as it gives you fast and easy access to the most recent books on their site.

The Author:

Oh yes! This is the deal breaker when it comes to finding the books of your favorite author. It provides all the books of your best author with relative ease and speed

Popularity/Most Read:

This is base on the number of people that have gone through a book and their reviews on the book. A lot of positive remarks about a book prove the popularity of the book. So if you have no ideas on where to begin, this feature is highly recommended.

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